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Numerology E-Course Four

Posted by Hementh On 10:49 AM
Numerology Unleashed Hemanth Gowda. C

Numerology E-Course Four

The Alphabet in Relationship to Numbers

A Numerologist sees numbers as vibrational expressions. Numbers are also associated with letters. Both numbers and letters describe certain vibrational patterns. These patterns are forces that manifest within a person's life and their environment.

By examining a person’s name and birth date an interpretation can be made. The individual's "snowflake pattern" exists in relationship to the ever-present vibrations or expressions of the universe. These constant expressions are wave like cycles and come full circle in a sequence of nine degrees. Like a lotus blossom illustrates, the unfoldment of human consciousness is accomplished within this sequence.

Each letter is 'personified' (Definition: A rhetorical figure of speech in which inanimate objects or abstractions are endowed with human qualities) to help you better imagine the characteristics of each letter.

The letters of the alphabet corresponding to the nine primary numbers according to Pythagoras system is as follows:

1 -- AJS
2 -- BKT
3 -- CLU
4 -- DMV
5 -- ENW
6 -- FOX
7 -- GPY
8 -- HQZ
9 -- IR

The letters of the alphabet corresponding to the eight primary numbers according to Chiero 2 system is as follows:

1 -- AIJQY
2 -- BKR
3 -- CGLS
4 -- DMT
5 -- EHNX
6 -- UVW
7 -- OZ
8 -- FP

The Alphabet in Relationship to Numbers

A (1)

This first letter in the English alphabet holds the vibration of a leader and is the most aggressive and self-starting of the alphabet. A is very adventurous and pioneering and has much independence. It is very self-reliant.

Liking to initiate, they often must learn through experience. 'A' is also a catalyst activating other vibrations around them. They have to learn how to be less self-absorbed sometimes and are often opinionated and stubborn until they learn how to channel their vibration. They love change and adventure.

This letter denotes excellence in a person. Persons having A as the initial letter in their names are surely prominent and are full of good qualities and thoughts.

The specialty of the capital A is the cross bar joining the two slanting lines of the letter. It is a sign of ambition. It indicates a desire to climb up the ladder of life.

Emotions have a deep control over them and they can in a sense be called “emotional”. It denotes creative talent, initiative, aggression, ambition, pioneer and leadership.

If A is the first alphabet in a name, it shows a strong will power and determination. If A is the first vowel in a name, following a consonant, it shows a dominating nature.

Their ideas are constructive and not destructive. They share the joys and sorrows of others. They are ever anxious to make the world a beautiful, sweet and loving place to live in.

B (2)

The second letter of the English alphabet B is mainly introspective in nature. This letter is enclosed and completes a circuit. It signifies that they will keep their inner thoughts enclosed to themselves and only few friends or acquaintances will share their confidence. There are very few even among such whom they trust. They are of a doubting nature and alert. They are moody and emotional. It takes sometime for them to mix with strangers.

This vibration is a sensitive helper and finds it's motivation through others. They seek balance and are very good in areas calling for diplomacy, mediation, and improvement.

This vibration responds well to appreciation and can be quite kind, gentle, and lovable unless it is lacking in confidence and self-appreciation. 'B' works best with others as a team member and can contribute much once it feels connected.

They have a beautiful arrangement of thoughts as in a bouquet inside them and take very little part in arguments and counter arguments. They are always engrossed in their own thoughts, feelings and actions.

When their names start with B, they are co-operative and like to follow the suggestions given by others.

If B is the first consonant in their name after a vowel they are introspective and understand themselves as well as others.

If their names emit negative vibration they will have a sort of hesitation and inferiority complex which does not allow them to evolve.

C (3)

If C is the first letter in a name, it signifies intellectual abilities. They are also said to be moody. They try to fulfill their resolve whatever the time or expenditure involved. What they say is as firm as law.

They are always active and energetic. They are happy when they are occupied.

Their brain is also always active and is planning something or the other. Such people are undoubtedly farsighted. Whatever they envisage prove totally true in the future.

Within the 'C' is a spontaneous creator. Anxious to express its inspiration and originality, work and ideas flow.

Sociable and friendly, a 'C' acknowledges joy as its greatest motivator. The round shape of the 'C' guarantees that what they give out usually comes back to them!

They are also quite sensitive and intuitive. The arts in many forms are embraced within the 'C'. They have a healthy outlook on life.

If C comes as the first consonant after a vowel, it gives optimistic ideas. If this letter is repeated often, it means they will obtain success and overcome difficulties

They also have a negative side to their personality. When their mind is filled with fear and anxiety, they should try to build resistance towards their worrying habit. In an unbalanced state, the 'C' can scatter its energies or have difficulty manifesting what it wants.

D (4)

This is the fourth letter in the English alphabet and stands for self-confidence and self-control. Whatever is undertaken is completed successfully. Even in opposing situations and obstacles they do not hesitate or waver. To be always moving towards their goal is their nature.

This letter is similar to that of B, in the sense that this letter is also enclosed and completed by a circuit. They are therefore self sufficient and keep their inner thoughts to themselves. They attach great importance to material things. The meaning of this enclosed letter is that, “You should rise above your enclosure and forget that you are bound by barriers.

Such people speak less but whatever little they speak that has a tinge of authority and it gives full evidence of their self-confidence. Such people can become successful administrators, efficient leaders and guides. They are fully mindful of their self-respect and are fully alive to praise and censure. They do not hurt the feelings or self-respect of others nor can they tolerate their own dishonor.

This vibration is a steady builder who holds onto responsibility as its teacher. It works long and hard and brings practicality, patience, and orthodox values. Sometimes the 'D' finds it hard to express itself and finds physical and tactile approaches to help it channel its energy. The 'D' is honest, true, and constant.

Being in nature really helps a 'D' to access its qualities in a positive way. In addition, a 'D' is here to learn much about control and how to give acknowledgment to the self. If this alphabet occurs more than twice in a name, it symbolizes limitations on their activities which, however, they can overcome by their tolerance and patience.

E (5)

This is the fifth letter in the English alphabet representing people who are completely extroverts. They do not have any secrets, this nature of telling everything (personal) clearly and curtly can bring disrespect to them.

They have a marked ability to write and speak. They activate everything they come in contact with. This alphabet is mental and intellectual and produces energy and excitement.

This letter has 3 cross lines representing activity on the spiritual, mental and material level. It shows a balanced character. They look more to the future than to the past. They are interested in making their personal contacts manifold and varied.

Brain full of planning, hands always active, thoughts always ever clean and pure. These are the measuring stick of their lives and by which they rise in life. They are supporters of modern spirit. New thoughts, new principles, new policies, new actions, whatever is in life, should be new. They hate old and hackneyed thoughts.

This vibration is quite versatile and inspirational. Holding onto freedom, they embrace travel, movement, and flexibility. They are straightforward and direct. They are usually interested in spiritual matters.

They like to learn and enjoys words, whether in written context or in speaking. They hold within them a lot of energy and vitality. With the amount of energy that moves through an 'E', they usually remain fairly calm. If this letter is repeated in a name, that person acquires fame through writing and oratory.

Too many 'E's' can bring on impulsiveness and restlessness.

F (6)

This is wholly a domestic letter. It represents people who give full attention to their children and domestic affairs. They think it is their duty to carry out the domestic affairs efficiently. They like to share the responsibilities of home life.

They act like a child and amuse themselves and their family. There is no immobility in their life.

They are stubborn and never tolerate disloyalty. They are fond of quiet and simple pleasures of home life.

They give place of honour to love, truth, sweetness, service to others and such values in life. People of this type engaged in their sphere can be said to be a divine staircase.

Within the 'F' is a need to serve humanity and an appreciation of that which is esthetic. There is a complexity to this vibration. It needs to be with others as it feels that its destiny is found in home and relationship.

It holds values and principles very dear but it has a hard time with criticism. By expressing cheerfulness and channeling its energies in creative directions, the 'F' vibration finds happiness.

If this letter is repeated in a name, it gives that person protection in all family matters.

G (7)

From the point of view of character, people with G be said to be excellent. Simplicity, truthfulness and gentlemanliness can be said to be their ornaments. There is something in their personality by which people are irresistibly drawn to them. They give importance to moral value of life and stick to them.

Their whole work is according to plan. Before any work is started they have its plan fully fixed up in their minds on which they act. They have remarkable self control. Gentle in behavior and cultured in speech, such people can be said to be fully successful in life. This letter curves inside upon itself. They love self analysis, meditation and introspection. If this letter is repeated he is a clever analyst.

They understand the motives of others and can go to the bottom of their intentions. They have a sort of intuition and can develop psychic powers. They are thorough in whatever they do. Ideas often take shape in their mind without any previous chain of reasoning. These ideas are generally sound and attention to them will help obviate delays and difficulties. It is necessary to check your impulsive nature and hurry; otherwise you may not get the best results.

If the vibration is negative, will be misunderstood because of not speaking up, the 'G' is constantly engaged within in introspective thought. They have much patience and ability to assimilate knowledge. They must learn to build confidence, and through sheer will and determination, they usually gain much wisdom throughout life. Having a dreamy nature and much imagination, they often develop psychic abilities. Their determination helps them overcome obstacles.

To be harmonious they need to be aware of the mental, spiritual, and physical aspects of life. Business partnerships are usually a difficult experience for the 'G'.

H (8)

The alphabet H has two perpendicular lines with a cross bar in the centre joining the two lines. This figure, therefore, stands firm and well-balanced. If a name starts with this letter, they have a level headed attitude to life, and others can rely upon them. It also shows they are kind, but to the world they give the impression that they are hard and resolute.

The two perpendicular lines show two directions, up and down. They have the choice within themselves of rising or descending the scale of life.

They have strong potentialities for material progress at the same time there are strong possibilities of making errors on the material plane.

With an extreme awareness of the material world, they often become quite successful in the areas of business and finance. They work methodically and have keen perceptions. They like to advance themselves and will work hard to achieve what they desire.

Gifted with executive qualities, they usually find themselves in management roles. If they become confused by their sense of power, they will have many ups and down and can experience difficulty in making reforms or changes.

Most often they are aware of spiritual needs and embrace these in their ability to manifest what they value and need.

They are self-centered and over-clever. They love show and ostentation and have strong ambition. They do not have much faith in work but show as if they are most preoccupied and hard working people. From the social point of view such people can be said to be successful.

I (9)

If a name starts from the letter ‘I’, it shows their interest in the welfare of others. It shows psychic powers, universal tolerance and sympathy. If this letter is repeated in a name, it signifies extreme sensitivity, and hence suffering. They have communication with far-away places.

This letter indicates an alert and alive disposition. They are self reliant and have a tendency to lay down the law. Beliefs and feelings are of usually intense character. They have an ability to carry on against opposition.

Within in the 'I' you will find much sensitivity, intuition, and intensity with a strong focus on emotion. They wish to contribute to humanity but often become distracted by what is reflected in their environment and life's dramas. They need to have time alone to meditate and find their center.

They may often sacrifice to give to others as they have a deep understanding of other's needs. They must learn self-compassion so that it is able to truly give what they so deeply desire.

They also possess much creative and artistic energy. Nature is a godsend for nature helps the 'I' to stay somewhat balanced.

They are always busy in their work, which is a special trait of their life. Laziness never comes into their lives nor do they allow their subordinates to be lazy.

Their knowledge is deep and they try to understand each subject thoroughly. They do not have half baked knowledge nor do they like it. There is weight in whatever they say and they say it with authority.

J (10/1)

People represented with the letter J are of liberal views, defenders of liberty and away from narrowness, with broad hearts. If a name starts with this letter or is the first consonant in a name, the person likes to find out new associations. They take pride in being in touch with the very latest developments. They are quick to seize new ideas. They have close contact with the ever changing events of the world and are well informed about the latest developments.

Usually they have a bright outlook and have a talent for writing or painting. They divert their attention from one subject to another and herein lies their weakness not to pursue a subject for a long time. This vibration is also a leader but tends to be a little more cautious than the 'A'. It leads in an original and innovative way but its broad perspective may make getting started a little bit more difficult.

While speaking to them one feels as if diving deep into a sea of knowledge. They do not attend to insignificant things. Fundamental thinking is a specialty with them. It must however4 be said that because of their habit to tell the truth in everyone’s face, people try to keep themselves as far away as possible. It prefers action but often indecision is at the base of its ideas. It needs a little more support than the 'A.' It is optimistic and recovers well when difficulties arise. It has a good mind and is ambitious in a quiet way. This is the 10th letter and therefore has many of the qualities shown by number 1. On the whole they have leadership, prosperity and success in life. They have a magnetic personality and they also follow intellectual pursuits and cultural activities.

K (11/2)

The 'K' holds a master vibrational expression in that it has a high potential for achievement and desires to inspire intuitively. If it is the first letter in a name, they have vivid and magnetic personality. They are very open to spiritual awareness and are an old-soul vibration that holds much wisdom. The 'K' expression often does not have many close friends. They don't lack the ability to create friendships. Instead, they express those energies primarily through teaching and leading many, as they hold within themselves much light.

When 'K' is out of harmony they often attract challenging situations. They are good at detail and are very creative. They dislike second best. They appreciate affection and are capable of expressing much affection as well.

They are cooperative and have endurance. They like all forms of entertainment, theatres and public enterprises. This letter is written up and down motion and signifies moodiness.

They lead a life full of struggle. The ups and downs (as in the letter K) that they see in their life do not fall to the share any other class of letter. Sudden events continue to take place in their lives.

They are seen one day in the pinnacle of glory and in the ditch of failure the other day. The rise and fall in their lives become uncertain. In a way these people are pessimists. They have the power of intuition to see the dark side of things at once. Such people are careful about situations, alert and afraid of immortality, liberal and tolerant.

L (12/3)

This letter is formed by two lines, a perpendicular one and the other horizontal. The perpendicular line shows aspirations and the horizontal one means the material world. Thus they have ability to reason along clear and distinct lines and also have developed good logic. They are eager to assimilate facts, but are reserved in accepting theories associated with them.

If this is the first letter in a name, they are versatile, socially popular and successful. Their intuitive faculty assists them in time of need. It gives them a keen insight into the motives of other people. They have an active life with much movement.

People represented by this letter are emotional, and philosophical in nature. They prove of mature thought and noble actions. All their work is according to plan. They do not like childishness in behavior. Very grave in nature, High class dressing and a superiority complex – these three main qualities which can be said to be their main special qualities through the strength of which they are capable of rising high.

This vibration holds a magnetic attraction. They are a loving expressive vibration who enjoys the public and are the most mental of the threes. Their job is to express the joy of living and contribute towards its originality. They have abilities to reason which facilitate their abilities to create and contribute in words and ideas. They are also sensitive and can be a bit critical when confronted.

They are of a reserve nature, always engrossed in their own affairs and go forward in life with their own ideals. They have no time to stop and look back. They reach high posts in life through their actions, thoughts and qualities.

M (13/4)

When the name starts with the letter M they have strength of character, ability to study and an orderly mind. This letter is the mason of all the alphabets and builds story upon story in their efforts and has noble ideals.

If this letter is repeated in a name, they will never accept defeat. They are moody but at the same time they have the other matter–of–fact side.

When a name starts with the letter M they are not only extroverts, they are at the same time moral, civilized and cultured. But their simplicity becomes a curse for them. Being true in the heart and thoughts they do not fail to say the truth in the face.

A solid and hard working vibration is the foundation of the 'M.' There is a love of home and a protective nature. With practical approaches and organization, the 'M' desires to serve.

This vibration is often hard to get to know as it sometimes limits its viewpoint and has a fear to expand its potential. It has intuition but often sees it as instinct.

Their nature can assist in managing material and practical affairs as well as managing others. They have to see rise and fall in life to a much greater extent. They try to keep secrets but they cannot.

A curtain of secrecy surrounds their personality and people fail to judge them correctly. Even if such people are poor, the public continues to mistake them as rich.

Their needs are high and there is a strong tendency in them to prove themselves superior and show themselves off.

N (14/5)

If this letter is the first letter in a name, they are intellectual but inconsistent. They will discard as much as they take in, if they cannot progress or advance by their intake. They have struggles as their allies, obstacles as their companions and troubles as their life-long friends. But they have such a strong, powerful and influential personality that they always face obstacles and troubles and make out a way for themselves and march towards their goal without halt.

Such people are good house holders and they discharge their social responsibilities very well. They are always active in promoting family welfare, even when they are in trouble. A life full of simplicity and straight-forwardness, mobility of thought, Co-operation and respect can be said to be their special trait.

They will be endowed with fluidity but they have a tendency to scatter many of their talents in different directions. They work in fits and starts and have a strong emotional nature. Luck comes to them in cycles. There are times when nothing seems to go right; at other times, almost anything they do is successful.

They have an influential personality. They have the inborn quality of making friends of a stranger, howsoever unknown. Once they establish friendship they carry it throughout their lifetime.

The 'N' loves to encounter change and movement. Therefore, it is always seeking excitement and variety. It can have interests in many areas and works extremely well with others. It knows how to motivate others to achieve ideas and is progressive in its thinking. It is a little more rational than the other five vibrations as it enjoys its mental abilities. It has a certain personal philosophy that it resonates with and is open to sharing its analysis. Often it receives some sort of public recognition and/or its purpose has to do with the public.

O (15/6)

If this is the first letter in a name, it endows them with intellectuality, balance and the ability to handle problems.
The O is a completely enclosed letter and it signifies that they are capable of keeping their thoughts very much to themselves. They are self-centered, courageous, bold and daring. In spite of ups and downs in their lives they never lose their attitude and courage. They have the capacity to rise after every fall.

They give greater emphasis to beauty, form and order. They have a tendency to suffer from frequent depressions. Their attitude is conservative and in adverse situations they always exaggerate their difficulties and delays.

The 'O' holds within them a desire for responsibility and can take on more than their own share at times. They learn much about what it means to be of service and what it is like to give more than their share. They are usually traditional and conservative and find their freedom through some form of creative appreciation (which may extend into their domestic surroundings).

They retain what they gain as their disciplined nature knows what it takes to get what they want. They attract assistance and help along the way, as they learn to balance their nature. They value the spiritual in their daily life.
Home, children and affection are the main points of interest in their lives. They have unlimited number of friends on the one hand and considerable number of opponents on the other.
Even people obliged to them sometimes behave deceitfully. They do not approve of dirtiness, disorder, restricted field of activity and narrow thoughts. They do not like to burn like a wood emitting smoke rather wish to shine with explosion, be it even for a moment. They have high ambition and a motive to rise to greatness as early as possible. The later half of their life is generally affluent.

P (16/7)

It is often difficult to know what the 'P' holds within their thoughts as they often are without expression. They have clarity of mental vision and foresight. They take great delight in preserving and protecting their ego and its development. If there are many 'P's in a name, power and success follow them. This power may be for good or bad and it is necessary to control the evil through meditation and concentration. The letter P is also another latter which is enclosed and others will never know about their hidden feelings. They have the capacity to hide their greatest secrets in their bosom. They remain calm and composed on the surface, even though they might cry from inside due to internal commotion. They like to be alone to contemplate and have to learn how to channel their feelings. They are a thinker vibration and are capable of deep analysis and introspection.
They often lack determination and willpower to carry through their thoughts. With all this in mind, they hold within themselves vast intuitive qualities and often possess vision and an understanding of the unseen. They share the joys and sorrows of others and thus represent nobility in life. They do not harbor evil thoughts in their minds nor do they like to hear ill about others; clean from inside and sweet in outward behaviors are the specialties of the personality of such people. Howsoever numerous the difficulties in their lives, one can never see any sign of sadness on their face. They are engaged in giving their co-operation to their friends even at a personal loss. They like to be in calm atmosphere away from the hustle and bustle of life. They deserve to be called ornaments 0of society.
They will pass off an embarrassing or unpleasant situation without disclosing just how deeply they have been affected. They like to stand away from the crowd and realise that there is much to gain by preserving their own individual taste unaffected by other's influences. Whatever their career in their life, they succeed in retaining their individual characteristic of separateness.

Q (17/8)

If this is the first letter in a name, it gives them a strong will-power, determination and very much live in a correct and orderly manner. They have a well considered goal and a definite principle.

They do not move from their thoughts and principles. Their routine is set and seldom will they despair. They never lose hope even though there is a slight possibility of gaining their objectives.

They do not like hurry in their life, or any interference in their organizational set up. Such people prove good administrators.

The 'Q' is a vibration that is distinct and often a little eccentric. They enjoy their material achievements and will extend their executive leadership qualities to attain what they desire. They usually have a cheerful disposition and much energy.

This vibration often attracts money and success even though sometimes they have lessons around power. They are usually quite generous but sometimes find relationships unsteady.

They do not have pride even while holding the highest office. Most efficient leadership can be said to be the special trait of such persons.

They are more successful in organizing the affairs of other people than their own. Their mind is always in the look out for new vistas.

R (18/9)

If this is the first letter in a name, it shows great strength of will which can be used for good or bad. It is necessary for them to use their discretion before exercising their power.
Their personality is always noble, sweet and influential. To make acquaintance with the unacquainted is a very easy job for them. They will give advice very freely though they wi8ll never accept one.
It is very easy for them to extract work even from the most high officials and that is the reason why they start from the scratch and rise very fast in the corporate ladder.
The foundation of the 'R' is selflessness. They are here to assist humanity and are capable of great understanding and tolerance. They have a strong potential to assist others, as they understand how to motivate and inspire.
They can be taken advantage of until they learn self-value and compassion. They have much emotion running through them and a deep need to contribute. Often they express as a teacher, writer, artist, or poet with a great potential to lead others.

There is a certain nervous energy running through this vibration which can cause some delays or confusion. They are self-starters.

They appreciate good qualities and trait of others and they make it a part and parcel of their own lives and then to use it in their future life.

They always have an eye on their personal interest but having got their self-interest served they do not hesitate to do good to others.

They understand the difficulties of others and help them to unburden their worries. They are respected in society.

As they advance in life, they get more and more of honour, position, respect and wealth. Such people have been seen to be affluent and happy in their advanced age.

S (19/1)

This vibration has spiritual roots that are often expressed in unorthodox ways. They often follow a spiritual path. They are the more emotional of the leader vibrations.

They can lead but often prefers to do it indirectly. They hold within themselves individuality and ambition but often feel alone.

Independent and courageous, they will set an example to others of subtle ways to express emotion, which can create cooperation (which in turn is a demonstration of its power).

If this is the first letter in a name, it gives the capacity to make firm friendships and enter into others lives and interests.

They will choose a particular tribe, but if they find they have been betrayed, they will be greatly hurt.

Though they have the feeling that some adjustment is necessary, but find it difficult to find out the way to it.

They are extrovert, smiling, expert in the art of making friends, actively engaged in profiting from others, able and intelligent.

They take active part in stage, drama, public exhibitions, festivals etc. and try to come in great contact with the masses.

They are fully loyal to their superiors or their boss whom they attract by their performances.

But in taking decisions they lag behind. "I should do or I should not do" is the problem which will be for a life time.

They agree to whatever their friends or advisors tell them to do. To take independent decision is beyond their power.

T (20/2)

This vibration enjoys peace and will often prefer to follow rather than take the lead if it feels that it would promote ease. It does expect much from others but is usually quite patient and helpful. It desires relationship and enjoys closeness within its family. It often stays close to home, thrives from affection, and is quite gentle most of the time. It is a wonderful teacher desiring to help.

U (21/3)

The 'U' is a receptive channel. It takes in and flows out and often scatters its energies. Its challenge is to stay balanced. It is happiest when it feels supported. It is the more subtle of the three vibrations but holds within much creative and artistic ability which may take many different forms during a lifetime. Often it doesn't fully know what it possesses and must channel its creative energy through words, music, and/or voice to gain a sense of self. It can inspire others but is the more conservative of the three vibrations.

V (22/4)

Holding within it much tension, the 'V' is capable of vast accomplishments. It has a global yet practical view that can envision ideas and manifest them into material form. This vibration has to push out into the world, often by moving from their hometown. It attracts great achievement and monumental success. They inspire others in dynamic ways and are one of the most powerful vibrations within the alphabet.

W (23/5)

The 'W' has the power of persuasion and holds excellent verbal abilities. Often it finds itself in sales of some form, accompanied by movement and travel. It enjoys love and relationship and is the more levelheaded of the five vibrations. Although it enjoys confronting any and all experiences, it will not risk as much as some of the other fives. It can vacillate and gets confused sometimes, because it would rather experience than express. It usually enjoys plants and the healing arts and has a sense of the order within life.

X (24/6)

This vibration is one to take on many responsibilities and often feels much emotion because of this. It cares, protects, and may even sacrifice itself. It holds within it sensuality which helps it attract attention. It may enjoy nice clothing or beautiful things, which can lead it to believe it is externally oriented. Actually, it wants simplicity and a settled lifestyle. It can attract worldly success as it is artistically talented and holds within it magnetic energy.

Y (25/7)

This vibration must learn to trust its intuition and psychic abilities. It has profound insights into higher matters and feels very deeply. It works best alone so it often feels lonely. It can be uncertain and vacillating. Meditation can help it get a sense of its connection to 'all-that-is' which can ease its loneliness. Its mission is to uncover the mysterious, the hidden, and bring about understanding. It often has a hard time committing itself to one thing, as it often senses before it more than one direction.

Z (26/8)

This vibration is extremely dynamic and is capable of great achievements. The material world and those of distinction call to it. It holds within both self-confidence and willpower. It has the qualities of an executive nature and can handle itself well in an emotional crisis. Sometimes it may magnify or exaggerate, as it loves excess in food, luxury, and whatever it can indulge in.

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